Recommended Reading
I've learned a lot from these books, and you may, too. If you don't want to buy them, check your local library to see if they carry them.
This book is my "cat Bible" and it's a must-read if you have cats. Dr. Hodgkins patented the protocol for treating feline diabetes. She's a veterninarian who has also had experience in the pet food industry:
Your Cat: Simple Secrets to a Stronger, Longer Life, Elizabeth M. Hodgkins, DVM
Another good read if nothing else is helping your pet:
Pets at Risk: From Allergies to Cancer, Remedies for an Unsuspected Epidemic, Alfred J. Plechner, DVM with Martin Zucker
This is very good read if you want to better understand your pets, and very helpful if you've just lost a pet:
Pets Tell the Truth: A mystical journey into the animal mind, Agnes Julia Thomas, PhD
A "pawsome" book about how to do reflexology on cats, including detailed information on the techniques as well as face, ear and paw maps:
Reflexology for Cats and other natural therapies for your feline companion, Jackie Segers
Could It Be B12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses, 2nd ed, Sally M. Pacholok, RN, BSN, Jeffrey J. Stuart, DO
Cure Tooth Decay - Heal & Prevent Cavities with Nutrition, Ramiel Nagel
Drug Muggers: Which Medications Are Robbing Your Body of Essential Nutrients -- And Natural Ways to Restore Them, Suzy Cohen, RPh
Earl Mindell’s New Vitamin Bible, Earl Mindell, Rph, PhD with Hester Mundis, 2011
Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th ed, Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
Thyroid Healthy: Lose Weight, Look Beautiful and Live the Life You Imagine, Suzy Cohen, RPh
Wheat Belly, William Davis, MD